Hybrid A* Planner
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNConstantsThe namespace that wraps constants.h
oNHelperThe namespace that wraps helper.h
oNHybridAStarThe namespace that wraps the entire project
||oCrelPosA structure describing the relative position of the occupied cell based on the center of the vehicle
||oCconfigA structure capturing the lookup for each theta configuration
||\CcolorA structure to express colors in RGB values
|oCAlgorithmA class that encompasses the functions central to the search
|oCBucketPrioQueuePriority queue for integer coordinates with squared distances as priority
|oCCollisionDetectionDetermines whether a given configuration q of the robot will result in a collision with the environment
|oCDynamicVoronoiA DynamicVoronoi object computes and updates a distance map and Voronoi diagram
|oCColorGradientA color gradient class for visualizing the cost of nodes
|oCNode2DA two dimensional node class used for the holonomic with obstacles heuristic
|oCNode3DA three dimensional node class that is at the heart of the algorithm
|oCPathA class for tracing and visualizing the path generated by the Planner
|oCPlannerA class that creates the interface for the hybrid A* algorithm
|oCSmootherThis class takes a path object and smoothes the nodes of the path
|oCVector2DA class describing a simple 2D vector
|\CVisualizeA class for visualizing the hybrid A* search
\CCompareNodesA structure to sort nodes in a heap structure