ros::NodeHandle | n |
| The node handle.
ros::Publisher | pubStart |
| A publisher publishing the start position for RViz.
ros::Subscriber | subMap |
| A subscriber for receiving map updates.
ros::Subscriber | subGoal |
| A subscriber for receiving goal updates.
ros::Subscriber | subStart |
| A subscriber for receiving start updates.
tf::TransformListener | listener |
| A listener that awaits transforms.
tf::StampedTransform | transform |
| A transform for moving start positions.
Path | path |
| The path produced by the hybrid A* algorithm.
Smoother | smoother |
| The smoother used for optimizing the path.
Path | smoothedPath = Path(true) |
| The path smoothed and ready for the controller.
Visualize | visualization |
| The visualization used for search visualization.
CollisionDetection | configurationSpace |
| The collission detection for testing specific configurations.
DynamicVoronoi | voronoiDiagram |
| The voronoi diagram.
nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::Ptr | grid |
| A pointer to the grid the planner runs on.
geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped | start |
| The start pose set through RViz.
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped | goal |
| The goal pose set through RViz.
bool | validStart = false |
| Flags for allowing the planner to plan.
bool | validGoal = false |
| Flags for allowing the planner to plan.
Constants::config | collisionLookup [Constants::headings *Constants::positions] |
| A lookup table for configurations of the vehicle and their spatial occupancy enumeration.
float * | dubinsLookup = new float [Constants::headings * Constants::headings * Constants::dubinsWidth * Constants::dubinsWidth] |
| A lookup of analytical solutions (Dubin's paths)
A class that creates the interface for the hybrid A* algorithm.